How to Reduce Wildfire Risk and Be Prepared
Fuels reduction has become a more prevalent issue in the Stillwater Valley, as most of the area consists of grasslands and evergreen forests, which are at an increased risk for starting fires. By removing flammable vegetation and addressing vulnerable forest stands, wildfire risk is reduced.
Stillwater Valley Watershed Council has worked to provide free on-site fire mitigation consultations for landowners and to create a cost-share program for at-risk properties that apply. The SVWC board of directors would like to give special thanks to Zach Patten for his time, diligence and continued eagerness to learn as he helped us develop this podcast and slideshow, bringing awareness to the wildfire community. |
Fuels Reduction Cost-Share Program
Your forest land along the Beartooth Front is a treasure, and proactive management can help you keep it that way.
SVWC'S fuels project is dedicated to connecting forest landowners with resources to help manage land for your priorities. Through 2024, the SVWC is offering a FREE visit from a local forester to answer a variety of questions, including:
Who is eligible for this program? SVWC members who own land in the Stillwater watershed, with small tract forests or forested rangeland areas along the Beartooth Front qualify for this program. Contact us today! |