Weed Control Program Sign-Up Forms....
2020 Cooperative Weed Control Program Sign-Up Form
LANDOWNERS ENROLLING LESS THAN 20 ACRES Rules: $85/hour plus chemical costs.** **First time CWCP participants receive chemical at no cost. CLICK PHOTO BELOW
2020 Large Acreage Cost-Share Request Form
LANDOWNERS ENROLLING GREATER THAN 20 ACRES** Rules: 50% Cost-Share up to $1,000 max if approved CLICK PHOTO BELOW
**Cost-share for SVWC’s large acreage weed control program is prioritized by earliest request date with the discretions of the SVWC board of directors. For landowners/managers that have requested cost-share in the past, the SVWC Board of Directors will place a higher priority for cost-share on those that have developed a Weed Management Plan (WMP). A template WMP from the Stillwater Weed District can be found above.