Our History
In 2006 the Stillwater River Weed Management Area was formed to control weeds along the uppermost part of the river. This group was funded through a three year Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Grant for $122,000. The Forest Service, Stillwater Mining Company, Stillwater County Weed District and over 95 local landowners were involved. The project was extremely successful in controlling the weed invasions in the area. However, the ultimate goal of the group was to continue this systematic approach to weed management downriver, utilizing this project as a model to be followed and expanding the collaborative conservation effort.
As the grant moved to a close and the success of the weed management area became apparent, the continuation of collaboration and cooperation on weed management expanded. Water quality, forest health and related educational efforts required a formal structure. This structure, the Stillwater Valley Watershed Council, was officially formed in 2010. |
We all need somewhere we can go to connect with Mother Nature; but we have to take care of our environment and as long as we can do that, we will have a place that is viable for us to enjoy."
- Clint Branger
Former professional bull rider and rancher, Roscoe, Montana